Local Control 

Big Oak Flat/Groveland Unified School District LCAP

2024-25 LCAP & Annual Update (Includes Budget Overview For Parents)

Revised June 2024

COVID-19 Operations Written Report for BOFG

Revised June 2020

LCAP Federal Addendum

Revised July 2019

Local Control & Accountability Plan (LCAP)

The Local Control and Accountability Plan or LCAP is a critical part of California’s new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). It is a three-year, district-level plan that is updated annually. The plan describes the school district’s key goals for students as well as the specific actions (with expenditures) the district will take to achieve the goals and the means (metrics) used to measure progress.

The LCAP addresses the needs of all students, including specific student groups, and all districts must specifically address English learners, foster youth, and low-income students. In addition, the LCAP must address the state of California’s eight priority areas that include student academic achievement, school climate, student access to a broad curriculum, and parent engagement.

Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan

The BOFG Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan for 2020 is intended to provide information at the local educational agency (LEA) level for how student learning continuity will be addressed during the COVID-19 crisis in the 2020–21 school year. The Learning Continuity Plan replaces the LCAP for the 2020–21 school year.

The Learning Continuity Plan includes descriptions of the following: addressing gaps in learning; conducting meaningful stakeholder engagement; maintaining transparency; addressing the needs of unduplicated pupils, students with unique needs, and students experiencing homelessness; providing access to necessary devices and connectivity for distance learning; providing resources and supports to address student and staff mental health and social emotional well-being; and continuing to provide school meals for students.

If you have questions or comments about the plan, your feedback is appreciated and desired. Please contact Superintendent Wynette Hilton to share your feedback.

Big Oak Flat-Groveland Unified Learning Continuity Plan (LCP)

Revised September 2020

LCAP Highlights

  • Continued use of technology with all high school students having a district-owned Chrome Book, two full carts of iPads and four carts of Chromebooks at the elementary school. Apple TV’s  in every classroom in the district.
  • Teacher preparation and advancement through in-services and workshops to improve their knowledge of the current curriculum and use of technology, along with trauma-informed practices.
  • Expanded visual and performing arts programs at Tenaya, Tioga and Don Pedro High.
  •  Continued support and development of college preparation courses (A-G) and Career Technical Education (CTE) offerings at the
    high schools
  • Offered incentives and programs for increased attendance and student well being.
  •  Purchase and implementation of common assessments for ELA/Math TK-8 and 9-12
  • Offered after-school tutoring, Saturday School, Summer School, Project Based Learning and GATE programs to increase academic