Senior Fears
By: Izel Arzate
Looking back on all the years
I was excited but now I fear;
for all my friends and family
What will happen to them and what will happen to me?
From kindergarten to junior high,
it was hard work, I will not lie.
My teachers who pushed me to do my very best,
I’d like to thank them all for helping me be better than all the rest.
I understand that they worked hard
to get us to be prepared, and now
their hard work is unraveling as the world is not able to be traveling.
Sadness kicks in when I think of sports
that I will not be able to participate,
Is this the next school year kids’ fate?
I trained so hard to see the finish line
but now I sit at home and whine.
What will happen in due time?
Will I be able to walk the stage
with a crowd of kids who are my age?
The routine I was used to is no longer,
Now I pray everyone’s health gets stronger.
Are we attending our senior trip
or was all that hard work just a blip?
The days I sweated and woke up sore
from doing yard work, what was it for?
Like a scratched c.d that skips a song,
How long with this virus go on?
I know that I need to push on
and finish this school year strong.
I will not let this be my final step.
I refuse to give up and hope
the same for all the rest,
because Don Pedro Highschool is the best!